Midas Touch

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As the glorious sunshine finally makes a welcome appearance, it’s time to ditch the comfy clothes, let the air at our bodies and show off a bit of extra skin.

When you look down, do you see a protruding spare tyre with loose skin and stretch marks? Many of us get out of shape over the years and develop issues with the Tummy area. To re-contour the Stomach without reverting to surgery, many clients find Ultratone Inch Loss & Muscle Toning give them great results. A 30 minute Ultratone session is equivalent to over 200 sit ups! Strong tummy muscles support your back so when they are stronger, you’ll find it easier to continue exercising at home or in the gym.

However, if you’re more worried about the “Orange Peel” or “Cottage Cheese” look that’s crept into your skin during the winter, Endermology treatment could be a better option for you.

Endermology creates a visible improvement in those hard-to-treat “dimpled”areas. Cosmetic surgeons have referred many patients to us at Midas Touch for Endermology. It works to achieve the smooth finish to the surface of the skin, reducing post-operative swelling time and helping to improve some of the lumpiness and irregularities of that can occur after liposuction.

Endermology stimulates collagen and elastin fibres to help tighten and tone the skin on areas that diet and exercise just don’t improve. Cellulite can worsen during pregnancy as fat, fluids and other toxins get deposited and trapped around the lower part of the body.

Stretch marks often accompany cellulite and come about when the skin is forced to stretch rapidly. 75% - 90% of mothers develop stretch marks at some point during pregnancy. Growth spurts in teenagers, rapid muscle growth in weight lifters and weight loss or weight gain are also causes.

The surface layer of skin isn’t affected, but the dermis underneath becomes thinner and develops tiny tears. The blood vessels that lie under the skin show through, giving the stretch marks a reddish colour. Later, when the blood vessels contract, the purplish colour fades to a paler skin tone. The quicker they are treated the better the result.

The revolutionary new treatment for stretch marks is Microneedling. With micro needling the outside layer of skin is unaffected, allowing for the new collagen to be used solely for stretch mark healing. The stretch marks gradually fill in, the skin grows thicker, becomes tighter, and the elasticity is restored. The speed at which stretch marks reduction can be achieved varies depending on the severity of the stretch marks, but visible changes can be detected in as little as a week with dramatic results in a month or less.

The result of using Micro-Needling is incredible. It can be used in combination or as an alternative to IPL skin rejuvenation and Endermology for the treatment of: surgical scars, caesarean section scars, burn scars and tummy tuck scarring. For the face Micro needling is used for Anti-ageing rejuvenation, Acne scarring, chicken pox marks and surgical scarring.