Ultratone treats the skin and delicate facial muscles using safe, effective micro-currents for an immediate 'lift' and boost in radiance. In the same way, body muscles are toned at a gym, this treatment adds a spectacular lift effect to the face without surgical intervention. We’ve been advocates of Ultratone since their first computerised machine in 1999 and our team of expert therapists are well-versed and well-trained in this treatment option. Ultratone has been used as a medical treatment for muscle stimulation in hospitals for over 50 years.
Over time, our skin naturally loses definition and tone. Using bio-stimulation, micro-current and ultrawave signals, our non-surgical face-lifting treatment will improve facial contours, tone, and microcirculation, visibly lifting and rejuvenating facial features naturally.
Gravity has a downward pull on loose skin, exaggerating the sag. But intrinsic ageing — that is, ageing in your cells — is relative to time, not gravity. And this means you're in control of how your skin looks. And it starts with strengthening your skin and the underlying muscles, which gives it support.
Muscle bio-stimulation to lift, tighten and tone the facial muscles to contour the face and stimulate collagen and elastin. Plus, 30 minutes of customisation of microcurrent for any additional fine lines and ultrasound to empty cells of debris and fat to be removed in the usual metabolic way.
Single Treatment - €149
Muscle bio-stimulation to lift, tighten and tone the facial muscles and contour the face.
Single Treatment - €95
Ultratone microcurrent pushes polynucleotides deep into the dermis with up to 98% absorption rate for a luxurious 'no-needle' treatment.
Polynucleotides are the latest skin-boosting treatment. Fragmented salmon DNA stimulates collagen and elastin production deep within the skin and boosts hydration instantly. Perfect for those wanting the benefits of polynucleotides without downtime and injections.
Polynucleotides - €95
ULTRATONE® Non-Surgical Facelift is a computer-aided facial designed to lift, tone, and re-educate the muscles back to their original position. Ultratone utilises three unique technologies. Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Micro-current Energy, and Ultrasound. The electrical impulses are transmitted through the skin to the muscle and tissue, stimulating increased muscle tone and collagen production. The result is a lifted, firmer, and younger appearance.
Yes, with over 50 years of research and experience behind them, ULTRATONE® has gained an unrivalled reputation for providing safe and comfortable non-surgical facial treatments.
An ULTRATONE® facial can benefit both men and women from age 40 to 70’s concerned with sagging facial skin and muscle tone, which can be particularly noticeable for those over 40. Our facial muscles become lax as we age, causing skin to start sagging causing drooping eyelids and jowls.
For the younger person or the person with good facial structure, Micro-current is a workout for the facial muscles, and regular skin care will help to delay the ageing process.
For those whose features are already beginning to slacken, the electrical muscle stimulation will remind the muscles what they should be doing, whether they need to relax, such as on the forehead and frown lines, or tighten, such as the cheeks, brows, and neck.
Most people can have this treatment except for pregnant clients, clients on skin-thinning medications such as Roaccutane, cancer, epilepsy, thrombosis, a pacemaker, or any rhythmic heart device fitted.
Simple fillings and dental implants are usually not a problem, but metal work inserted following facial fractures and metal braces can be a problem, and we can discuss this.
At least two weeks should be left after Botox and filler treatments.
We would also want to avoid over-treating the skin, so wait a week after skin peels before having Micro-current, although skin peels and microdermabrasion could be carried out straight after Micro-current.
Yes – although results will vary depending on your skin, tissue, and muscles. Over time, the treatment will help promote collagen production and stimulate tissue and muscle mass, which is essential to the anti-ageing process. Ultratone® Non-Surgical Facelift has a natural effect like you look after a holiday. It will not eliminate creases or deep wrinkles but will soften them. You will need maintenance treatments to keep the results.
Results will be seen immediately. However, these are often short-lived at first. You usually start noticing skin tone and texture improvements with five treatments. You will then see gradual improvements as the muscles firm and tighten.
The treatment is entirely painless, although some clients may experience a slight tingling sensation due to the microcurrent or a metallic taste, which is perfectly normal.
Electrical muscle stimulation involves sending electrical impulses through the skin. This stimulation provides benefits, such as helping repair tissue and strengthening the muscles that support our skin. Ultratone uses a unique, patented waveform which allows the microcurrent to penetrate directly into the core of the muscle, giving unrivalled treatment results. A pause of 24 hours should be between EMS treatments.
Micro-current was initially used in the medical world to treat Bell’s Palsy. It was used to restore muscle tone by applying tiny Micro-current electrical impulses to the affected muscles. It is now being increasingly used for promoting soft tissue repair. Tiny energy pulses through a probe into the tissue and muscle and towards the other probe. The muscle is either stretched or squeezed as the energy passes through. The tiny current stimulates the brain of the muscle to remind it what it used to do.
Ultrasound: According to The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, ultrasound benefits the skin in several ways: Improving skin elasticity, improving both neck and facial skin, reducing the appearance of "jowls", and firming up the skin under the jaw to redefine facial contours. No more than three courses of Ultrasound a year should be taken.
Before proceeding with a treatment, you must complete a medical questionnaire advising us of your medical history. This is to confirm your suitability for treatment. This can be done online so your time can be spent treating you. Please call the salon if you have any questions. You may arrive on the day of your treatment without makeup.
Photographs are taken at the beginning and end of the course of treatments for comparison. Photos will never be used without your consent.
At the beginning of your ULTRATONE® journey, your aesthetic therapist will read your consultation and have an in-depth chat to determine your needs and priorities, creating a personalised treatment plan.
At the commencement of a ULTRATONE® programme, sensor pads will be applied to the muscles of target areas. Treatment intensity will be determined for your comfort. The ULTRATONE® bio-electrical frequencies will be delivered to instantly stimulate the muscles, the skin’s connective tissue, and circulatory and lymphatic systems. Depending on your program choice, your therapist may use the microcurrent or ultrasound on you. It is all very high-tech and very relaxing. The gel is then removed, and you are cleansed and moisturised. For the first treatment, allow time for the consultation and photographs before you begin.
Your skin may be pinkish shortly after treatment, but this will subside quickly. Normal activities can proceed immediately, and no special aftercare is required except to drink extra water to aid the lymph clearage, which the treatment will have stimulated. Your face may feel tighter or firmer, and these effects will be less noticeable after a few treatments as this will become the norm. Your skin texture will improve; you will find your makeup applies better, and you will need to wear less. On your final treatment, allow time for your final photographs to be taken.